Research – Zines


The Archive by Claudia Pogo: Pogo’s Berlin-based small-run publishing operation ‘believes in a future printed on paper’. Published in August, his ‘Archives’ series – five Risograph issues each printed in a batch of 100 – juxtaposes history with history to construct a visual narrative that is itself reminiscent of a past in print. 

The design is more simple and doesn’t cover the whole canvas however the effect it gives of makes is appropriate, within the design it has that vintage feel with an code under ‘The Archives’. The design is consisting of an picture and text below and above.

Birkensnake – By Matthew Pendleton’s: Birkensnake is an irregularly published, imperfectly bound collection of fiction. Fiction! paper! Thread! it is exactly what you want in your lifeboat.

Birkensnake was written by 7 different artists in 7 different styles. They united over themes like endlessness and the ‘shapes of words’. This was done due to “some literary journals look like shit” so the group of editors designed the same book in 7 different styles.

Punk Style Zines

This is the first issue of Sniffin’ Glue. The dedication of the early punk scene allowed zines to get interviews with people who would go on to be big names before they had achieved fame, When punk started to gain popularity, Many of the zines that previously helped define the scene shut down. Sniffin’ Glue ended in 1977 and in 1979 Punk followed suit. the design of this style of zine is a freeflow, it doesn’t look to be over designed but simple minded. This design allows it to have a good flow.

collision of punk zines.


The term punkzine was possibly coined in the UK anarcho-punk scene, specifically by writers who objected to the connotations of the word fanzine, believing that the first part of the word implied the slavish following of musicians and unquestioning acceptance of celebrity culture.


Initially it started in the 1970s, the DIY aesthetic of the punk subculture created a thriving underground press. Amateur magazines related to punk were inspired by the rock of Fanzines of the early 1970s. These zines were inspired by the science-fiction community perhaps the most influential.

One of the earliest punk zines was ‘Punk’, founded in New York City by John Holmstrom, Ged Dun and Legs McNeil. Debuting in Janurary 1976, the zine increased the popularity of the word ‘punk’ that was associated with these bands, most notably the Ramones. Some other early punk-zines from United States included ‘Search & Destroy’, ‘Research’ and ‘Slash’.

John Holmstorm is an American underground cartoonist and writer, He is most notably known for illustrating the covers of the Ramones albums Rocket To Russia and Road to Ruin, as well as his characters Bosko and Joe, John Holmstorm was the one of the found editor of Punk Magazine at age 21 in late 1975, which during these times the Punk was increasing it’s popularity within communites, Holmstorm’s work became the visual representation of the punk era.

Legs Mcneil is an American music journalist, He is one of the the three original founders of seminal Punk magazine that gave the movement its name. McNeil researched the music industries which allowed him to gather alot of information about the current music culture as well as which style was the most influential.

Ged Duun is an American football player he is one of the founders of seminal Punk magazine, he was the publisher of the magazine which allowed him to have influential publishing views and alot of conntacts which allowed the magazine to gain fame throughout the communites.

All Three of the founders were highschool friends and all of them came up with the idea of creating a magazine ‘Punk’.

Zine design

They are informed by the anrachopunk and DIY ethos. Zines are written in a variety of formats, from desktop published text to comics to handwritten text (an example being the hardcore punk zine Cometbus). Print remains the most popular zine format, usually photocopied with a small circulation.

The Design of a punk zine is designed based on an picture of either a person or a well known object that is related to the word ‘punk’. Many of the zine designs have a dark creepy image design and the colours are based on black and white, colour is rarely used except for red. The design is free flowing around, the design isn’t straight nor designed to look clean but free styled.

ISSUE 1 - Bedspread Zine

Curated by Bristol photographer Jennifer Lo, Bedspread is a new zine dedicated to photos of beds. In Issue 1, expect lots of sleepy, intimate photos, by photographers from all over the world it was released on 15th September 2016, this simple minded zine is full of pictures of beds/spreads, it also contains pictures of room designs with the beds, this simple zine is a collection of photos from photographers around the world which combined into one zine.


Issue 3 of Home Zine focuses on the people who make us feel at home. Curated by Tallulah Fontaine and Carla McRae, Home Zine is an exploration of home and belonging. Featuring colorful paper and delicate illustrations, the zine has a calm feel. Issue 3 showcases work by Fontaine, as well as Wade Jeffree, Leta Sobierajski and many others. The release date of 2nd July 2016, This zine consists of simple drawings that imitate what is feels to be at home and what things make us feel at home, these things vary for each individual, although the concept of this zine is simple it allows individuals to understand it.


reated by photographer Prashant Gopal, Yo Sick puts out not just zines, but also a variety of fun pins and patches. Yo Sick zines have a classic DIY feel, usually featuring black and white snapshots that focus on a particular theme. Edition 19, pictured here, is titled Paradise and features 20 pages of photos of palm trees. This zine is very simple however the effect it gives allow this zine to be a exceptional design. palm trees invoke a feeling of carefree living and relaxation, and remind us that all things exist better elsewhere, whether it be the tropics, American west coast, or anywhere perpetually warm. Once a symbol of status in California landscaping, it is now commonplace to see the image of a palm tree just about anywhere.

There are differences in all the zines, however many zines have the same style but are portrayed differently, The modern zines have a different style and flow that the zines from the older times such as the zines from 19th century have a different style and flow compared to those from the 20th century and above such as the zine ‘Home issue 3’ is about how an individual feels at home and how the surrounding makes that individual feel whereas the zine ‘Sniffing glue’ is a punk style zine released in the 1970s which talks about punk music and rock n roll habits which in the earlier times of out centuries, without internet during that era there wasn’t a lot of ways to spread the names and artists so the only way was to publish written work. However each zine has similar features such as simple designs and layouts, Each zine has a simple based design that allows the audience to view it easily without being lost in the process, also the zines have a good flowing layout with their text and drawings/art inside the zine. The contents of the zines vary however each artists is putting their own thing into their work instead of being simple minded and doing the same piece of work.

Research from infiltrating zine forums/zinecollectors forum.


i joined a discord server, and i asked similar questions to my collegues, and getting the same responses i decided to use the responses that my collegues recieved as they were worded with enthusiasm.

One of my collegues asked the question of ‘What do you like to draw in the first place?’

‘What Specific thing you find you like in a good zine?’

More individuals answered the same question and various responses were given.

Types of zine that they enjoy collecting/designing.

Anatomy of a (x)

Anatomy of a Woman – thoughtful human
Anatomy of a Fox : foxes
Anatomy of a Sky Bison" Poster by sarahhere | Redbubble

This anatomy is of an creature from the movie/cartoon called Avatar, This anatomy presents the cute side of the sky bison while highlighting the important parts of the sky bision.

™ Anatomy of a goose poster

This anatomy of a duck, has an comedic approach to it, is highlight the parts of a duck making it seem evil. This approach has a good influence on the readers entertainment and humour.

Gallery of The Anatomy of an Architect - 2
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